Cannabis in the Era of Social Distancing: Make Your Next Sesh Virtual

Even with multiple COVID-19 vaccines approved, it’s highly probable that we won’t be hanging out in big groups anytime soon. But we’ve got a solution that will turn that “highly probable” into “probably high”: The virtual sesh!

As you’re no doubt aware, the sesh—or session, or smoke session—is a time-honored ritual of cannabis culture. And while it’s a shame that we can’t be up close and personal together, by staying socially distant (or safer yet, staying in the virtual realm), we can enjoy the spirit of togetherness. So with that in mind, here are a couple of ideas for “consuming together, apart” including some very appealing gift options from your friends here at Higher Path.

The Virtual Sesh: Keeping it Real by Keeping it Safe

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First and foremost, we want to make clear that we advise all our customers to practice social distancing. And we want you to remember that while maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet is good practice, it’s not a guaranteed defense against COVID-19. So while you can enjoy a socially distant sesh with a good friend—remembering not to share pipes, joints, or anything else you might put in your mouth—it’s still not the best policy when it comes to pandemic safety.

That brings us to the virtual sesh. With the magic of Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, and other networking tools, it’s easy to catch up with friends and family. And easier still to heighten our togetherness with cannabis, our favorite hangout enhancer.

Let’s lay out some options. In addition to plain old hanging out—perhaps juiced up with some zingy backgrounds, maybe while trying out an online cooking class together—there are plenty of online group activities you can hang out together in.

Live Zoom Workouts

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From general fitness to boot camps to kickboxing to spin classes, there are no end of options you can enjoy together, apart. Longtime tech advisor CNET shares a few of the best.

Prerecorded Yoga

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Yoga and weed go together like, well, you get the idea. There are plenty of free options on platforms like YouTube, but we dare you to take the plunge and subscribe to a dedicated platform (we’re partial to Let the slight financial investment be a gentle prompt to get yourself out on the mat, after prepping yourself with a high-CBD or sativa appetizer course, naturally.

Dance It Out

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You probably miss dancing as much as we do, but it goes without saying there’s an app for that! We like Shine, Steezy and the ever-popular Tracy Anderson. All are offered on a subscription/pay-as-you-go basis, but most offer free trials as well

The Virtual Sesh: Make It a Gift!

Especially because we’re not hanging out in person these days, we want to make it fun and easy to give your friends and family gifts from our dispensary. That’s why we’re offering gift cards, as well as free gift boxes and tissue paper for purchases like yummy edibles, soothing topicals, and potent concentrates you’d like to wrap and give to a friend. It’s our little way of saying “Thank you!” for keeping us smiling during this trying year, and an easy way for you to ask your friends to plan a virtual sesh sometime soon!

You can even deliver a pre-roll to your friend’s doorstep. Check out our Sherman Oaks dispensary menu to see what’s in stock.

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