How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card
Need a medical cannabis recommendation?
With a medical cannabis card, part of a state-regulated medical cannabis program, you will save ~5% on taxes on every purchase, plus you will not be restricted to the purchasing limits placed on recreational customers.
NuggMD provides confidential, online video medical cannabis evaluations and renewals. Phone appointments in 30 minutes or less with same-day evaluations and recommendations. Their physicians, who are authorized to prescribe controlled substances, take your medical conditions seriously, and the patient’s certification is valid across all licensed dispensaries in California.
No Hidden Fees! Only $29 for new patients with the code HIGHER10 at checkout. Only pay if approved.
Just email us your recommendation at [email protected] and we’ll add it to your file. You don’t need to bring the letter with you!
How much cannabis can I possess in California with an MMJ Card?
- Medical patients – No defined limit, although some suggest 8 oz.
- Recreational users – 1 oz., or 8 grams concentrate – if carrying 0.5 oz. of cannabis, the maximum concentrate possession limit is 4 grams.
What medical conditions qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card in California?
The California law lists the following qualifying medical conditions for a medical cannabis card: AIDS/HIV, Anorexia, Arthritis, Cachexia (Wasting Syndrome), Cancer, Chronic pain, Glaucoma, Migraine, Persistent muscle spasms (e.g., spasms associated with multiple sclerosis), Seizures (e.g., epileptic seizures), Severe nausea and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either substantially limits a person’s ability to conduct one or more of major life activities as defined in the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or, if not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the person’s safety, physical, or mental health.
Does California accept out-of-state cards?
California does not recognize other states’ medical marijuana cards and thus does not have reciprocity. However, out-of-state patients may apply for the CA medical marijuana program. For minor patients, a legal guardian must be present during the application process.
MMIC Cards
An MMIC allows you to legally prove you’re a certified patient or caregiver, as law enforcement officers can access the database to verify an MMIC’s validity. Overall, it allows California to have a statewide, official, and uniform identification system to protect patients.
The benefits are numerous, first and foremost, saving you ~15% on every purchase and superseding recreational legal limits (you may purchase 8 ounces instead of 1 ounce!). Once you have your card and bring it into The Higher Path, we add it to your file and the discount is applied automatically with every transaction.

What you need to apply
You will need to fill out an Application/Renewal Form.
You must reside in the California county where the application is submitted.
You will need to provide current documentation with your application as follows: A copy of your medical recommendation.
Physicians Recommendation: You must have a copy of written documentation contained in your medical records from your physician (medical doctor, osteopath or podiatrist) stating that you have a serious medical condition and that the medical use of marijuana is appropriate. Your physician may use the Written Documentation of Patient’s Medical Records (PDF) to satisfy this requirement. Your county may have additional required documents.
Proof of identity. This can be a valid California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) driver license or identification (ID) card or other valid government-issued photo ID card.
Proof of residency, such as: Rental or mortgage agreement, Utility bill, or California DMV motor vehicle registration.
You must apply in person at your county program. There, you will be asked to: Pay the fee required by your county program (not to exceed $100). Medi-Cal beneficiaries will receive a 50 percent reduction in the application fee (not to exceed $50), and the fees shall be waived for indigent patients who are eligible for and participate in the County Medical Services Program. Have your photo taken at the county’s program office. This photo will appear on your MMIC.
Benefits of a MMIC card

Having a cannabis recommendation and a MMIC affords several privileges that recreational users won’t have. These include:
1. No state sales and use taxes (Revenue and Tax Code 34011)–Prop 64 added language in section 34011 that keeps the state from taxing medical cannabis with the sales and use tax that recreational users have to pay. There will still be other taxes and local taxes, but many local governments won’t tax medical marijuana either. This is a discount of ~15% on each purchase.
2. Protection for parental rights (Health and Safety Code 11362.84)–People who use medical cannabis in accordance with Prop 215 can’t have their custody restricted based on this reason alone.
3. Protection from arrest if carrying more than one ounce (Health and Safety Code 11362.71(e))–People can still be arrested if the police believe that they are carrying more than their doctor would allow (like 30 lbs in their trunk) or they have other cause to believe they are violating the law. But they have to prove probable cause.
4. Larger possession limits (Health and Safety Code 11362.77(a))–Patients get to possess 8 ounces instead of just one ounce (28.5 grams).
5. Even larger possession limits if your doctor recommends (Health and Safety Code 11362.77(b))–It’s the law now that your doctor can recommend for you to possess even more.
6. Larger cultivation allowances in many jurisdictions–Local ordinances often make more allowances for medical cultivation than they do recreational. Also, in some places that don’t allow outdoor cultivation of recreational, they do allow outdoor medical cultivation.
7. Lower age limit for commercial medical purchases–If you are between 18 and 21, you’re still legally allowed to purchase commercial cannabis from a medical cannabis retailer or an adult cannabis retailer that also has a medical cannabis license. 8. Access to more dispensaries across the state–Many counties are only choosing to allow commercial medical sales, not adult-use sales.
Accepted medical conditions
(Physicians in California are granted wide discretion to recommend cannabis as a treatment for any ailments they deem appropriate. The physician must also agree that medical marijuana is an appropriate treatment option. The diagnosis and recommendation of medical cannabis as a treatment option must be documented in your medical records.)
Only patients or their legal representatives may apply for a Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) for themselves and/or their primary caregivers. Because of this, patients are also known as “applicants.” The patient or applicant is a person diagnosed with a serious medical condition for which the medical use of marijuana is appropriate.
These severe medical conditions are:
-Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS);
-Anorexia; Arthritis;
-Cachexia (wasting syndrome);
-Cancer Chronic pain;
-Persistent muscle spasms (i.e., spasms associated with multiple sclerosis);
-Seizures (i.e., epileptic seizures);
-Severe nausea;
Any other chronic or persistent medical condition that limits the ability of the patient to conduct one or more major life activities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or if not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the patient’s safety, physical or mental health.
You must contact your county’s program to determine the fee your county charges for an MMIC application. Each County program may charge an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) per MMIC application or renewal, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) per card for Medi-Cal eligible applicants, and the fees shall be waived for participants in the County Medical Services Program.
Generally, the MMIC expires within one year (with certain exceptions). It is up to you to apply for a renewal. The renewal process is the same as the application process. You must submit current medical information with your Application/Renewal Form (PDF).