Molly Peckler: Helping Cannabis Consumers Cultivate Confidence in Life & Love

It’s the start of a new year & many of us are focusing on ways that we can improve our lives. Whether you’re looking to simply improve confidence in yourself or enter the world of dating & relationships, life coaching can be a fantastic tool—but what if you have to hide a portion of your life (i.e. cannabis use) from said life coach? Are you really getting the most out of that experience? Probably not.

Allow me to introduce you to Molly Peckler, the CEO of Highly Devoted Coaching, the first cannabis-friendly life coaching service.

Molly founded Highly Devoted Coaching because she knows all too well that many life coaches & therapists have a negative view of cannabis—this leads responsible cannabis consumers to either hide their use from them or not seek help in the first place. With Molly, you never have to worry about being judged or critiqued about your choice to consume cannabis—not only is Molly a longtime responsible cannabis consumer herself, but she’s extremely well versed in the medical benefits of cannabis & the variety of ways it can positively impact your life & relationships. Prior to founding Highly Devoted Coaching Molly received her BS in Psychology from The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign & worked as a matchmaker at a high-end executive matchmaking firm, so she has a great deal of experience with helping people find lasting relationships. (Not to mention the fact that’s she’s been with her husband, a fellow cannabis enthusiast, for over 10 years!) To be clear, Highly Devoted Coaching isn’t a “cannabis matchmaking service” per say—Molly’s much more focused on helping you be your own matchmaker through building confidence:
“More than any other trait, confidence shapes how we experience the world and how others interact with us. There’s a lot of shit in life that we have zero control over, but the decisions we make are completely up to us. Confident people make decisions based on what we want; not what others think we should do.” (Molly Peckler, What is Cannabis Friendly Coaching?)

This philosophy is relevant to numerous facets of life—whether it be in relationships, careers or even day to day interactions, confidence dictates the decisions we make. Back in college I briefly dated a guy who had nothing but negative things to say about my cannabis consumption; at first I blew it off, but eventually I realized that a person who would judge me & say those things to me wasn’t someone who valued all of me. So by the time he said, “I think you should probably stop smoking marijuana…” my response was, “I think you should probably stop texting me.” And that was that.

I know I’m not the only responsible cannabis consumer to have an experience like this & that’s where Molly comes in—she can help build up that confident voice inside of you that says, “Yes I use cannabis, because it enhances my life.” Once you are able to feel confident in yourself & your own relationship with cannabis, you can begin to seek out relationships with others that are positive & truly supportive of you as a person. That includes being supportive of your cannabis use: “If cannabis is important to you, that has to be reflected not only in your relationship, but in how you look for a partner. So many people get into a relationship and one person smokes and the other person doesn’t, and then the smoker is forced to be a little bit secret about what is going on, and whenever there are secrets in a relationship that’s just toxic. Nothing good can come from it. It’s not like you have to be with someone who smokes, but if it’s an important part of your life the person you’re with has to be okay with it. And not just OK, but supportive.”

If you’re interested in meeting with Molly to cultivate confidence in your life, go to to schedule a Free Consultation!

What is Cannabis Friendly Coaching?
Highly Devoted Coaching
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